Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She's HERE!

OK, she got here exactly 5 months ago...5 MONTHS! Holy crap, where did the time go?! It's been so very fun getting into the grove of things. Oh and her name? Helena, but we call her Ella, and she is a little girl with a BIG independent personality (unlike her mom and dad *wink wink*) Here are a couple of pics to get back up to speed...

She's about 10 hours old when this picture was taken :)

Here are her month-by-month shots with her cute donkey!

(my gosh - what a wise looking kiddo!)

(this is a seriously goofy face!)

(she was just finding her limbs - arms and legs are fascinating!)

(she's getting SO big and more independent by the moment!)

I will share her birth story at a later date, but wanted to make sure to keep this up and running. I am about to get my craft on and will post the finishing products as they come about!


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