Last winter I decided not to throw out or compost our mums (and a random sage plant) after the weather turned permanently cold. Instead, I decided to try my hand at over-wintering the plants. So throughout the cold days and months my four sad plants sat under our porch eve looking cold...and dead. Well, today was beautiful with a warm morning sun. Ella and I had already been out an about early, so with time to kill before a little friend came over, we decided to tackle the porch and get it set up for the warmer weather! The bench and grill were moved and pretty pots were pulled out, getting ready for the new growing season!! Then, it was truth time...did the plants survive?

At first glance I'd say no, but that was pre-haircut. As I clipped away the old growth, I could see green in the middle of the brown stalks, and as the dead leaves fell away uncovered new growth.

It worked!!! One mum did particularly well, but ultimately all 4 made it through the winter and are all showing signs of new growth! I am, in fact, pretty proud of myself.
We cleaned up our plant mess and stood back to admire our work - Ella particularly loves sitting on the bench and wiping her feet on the mats.
You can see our four pots sitting up on the rail soaking in the sun! Good job, little plants, I see a great summer ahead of us!!