Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Balance is a Moving Target

It's the second Tuesday of the month - usually right now I would be participating in the natural parenting blog carnival, but this month the topic was "balance" and my life was decidedly not balanced when the blog submission deadline rolled around.  I know this sounds terribly dramatic, like I had some great life upheaval that got in the way, but reality is just not that glamorous.  There had been a lot of traveling and some colds, there was mounding laundry and a little girl who just needed a bit more attention.  Something had to give, and considering I didn't have anything to give by the end of the night, it was an easy (and inevitable) decision. 

Though I'm not technically participating in any structured carnival, this topic has stayed with me, turning itself in the back of my mind over the past couple of weeks.  Here's what I've decided about balance...it's fleeting, it's imperfect, it's a moving target.  Holding on to balance is not only impossible but ultimately, not desirable!  There are times in my life where everything is focused on my child or husband, there are other times when my life revolves around work or myself.  Sometimes balance is more than just the day-to-day "am I feeling content with my life in my many roles," sometimes it is a much bigger picture, and that's OK.

(pssst...check out Danielle's blog or Hobo Mama's blog to read up more on balance and for links to yet MORE musings on balance!)

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